Engaging CLHunter Consulting, Inc. to help grow your team will. . .
result in an objective evaluation of the strengths and development areas of your team.

allow us to create a customized solution for you and your team.

give each team member insight into how he/she can most effectively communicate with others on the team.

ensure that team members are aligned with a common vision.

create clear ways for team members to operate interdependently as opposed to independently.

Case Study: Team Effectiveness
CHALLENGE:  Created / facilitated workshop for large communication company senior leadership team with newly-promoted leader who managed existing as well as new team members

INSIGHT:  Leader struggled with supervising former peers; team lacked a common vision and shared goals

ALIGNMENT:  We used a modified SWOT analysis as a teambuilding exercise;  we also created clarity for team members about who needed to be involved in key decisions across this matrix organization

RESULTS:  Significantly improved decision clarity and cycle time.