The CLHunter Consulting, Inc. Executive Coaching Philosophy
Meeting one-on-one with you and your team, Chris combines tactical assessments with individual insight to help leaders and their teams become more effective. It is a practical approach that focuses on the alignment of individual actions with business strategies to achieve outstanding results.  The foundation of our proven philosophy and approach is:

INSIGHT:  CLHunter Consulting, Inc. sheds light on your challenge by providing an objective and unique perspective of the status quo.  In short, we assess a seemingly complicated situation and provide a clearer understanding of how you can move forward to ALIGNMENT.

ALIGNMENT:  Once we have assessed the unique challenges of your situation, we focus your team on achieving common objectives.  We provide the knowledge, skills, and support team members need to fully leverage their strengths and, at the same time, respect other’s differences. In this way, individual team members achieve collective RESULTS.

RESULTS:  In short, CLHunter Consulting, Inc. defines a connection between qualitative change and quantitative results.  Our proven methodology of providing INSIGHT and facilitating team ALIGNMENT empowers your team to achieve successful RESULTS. 

CLHunter Consulting, Inc. IS your best choice for. . .
interviewing and staffing when you want to streamline talent management.

executive coaching for an employee who is  a good performer but has interpersonal issues.

executive coaching for a good performers who want to be GREAT, and for GREAT performers who want to be STARS.

team effectiveness when you have the right people on your new team.

team effectiveness when you want to support your existing team.

new leader onboarding when you want to accelerate leader effectiveness.

assessments when you want to create personal insight for development.

CLHunter Consulting, Inc. is NOT your best choice when. . .
an employee is on probation or an improvement plan.

an employee demonstrates chronic poor performance.

you have not identified your ‘go-forward team’ i.e. if any of your team members are not long-term.

you want to use any assessment as part of a leader’s performance review.

you are looking for a ‘life coach’.

you are looking for a coach for an undefined period of time, without measurable results.